4.Submit Task
When click the application name in the application list or the pipeline name in the pipeline list,the submit page of the application or pipeline will be show.There are two step need to do.
Step one: fill the application or pipeline parameters
Except set the custom application or pipeline parameter values,users need to set the PBS running parameters.
Description of the parameters as following table.
Name | Description |
Memory Using | the possible memory which used by application, available value is 1gb,1mb,1kb |
Wall time | the possible running time which used by application, available value is HH:mm:ss,such as 01:00:00 |
Node number | the possible running node which needed by application,the minimum value is 1 |
CPU number | the possible running cpu number which needed by application,the minimum value is 1 |
Queue name: | the PBS support running queue, available values are genomics,bioque,lowq,largeq |
Step two: fill the task submit information.
The user also need to provide the task parameters which describe as following:Name | Description |
Task name | the name of the task, can be any letters |
Task description | a brief description about the task |
Project name | the name of the project which the task belong to |
Project description | a brief description about this project |
Select output directory | select the output directory from the private data space |